Lord of the Rings Online Wiki

Level: 35

Difficulty: Solo

Location: Esteldin

Start: Arohir

Bestowal Dialogue:
'We are ill-prepared to deal with this force from Ram Dúath. While they are not entrenched, they are well-armed and outfitted. This places us at a disadvantage.

'We need time, and to furnish that time, we need to slow their progress and ability to wage this war. Find and destroy their weapons, shields, and food stores. This may slow their advance long enough to mount a sufficent attack.

'You have faced this enemy once already, I would ask that you return to their encampment, further north this time, in search of their armaments and provisions. Destroy them, then return to me.'

Hillmen from Angmar followed the Orc army through Ram Dúath into the North Downs and established an encampment near the head of the pass. These Hillmen serve to keep open the passage from Angmar.

1. The food stores, weapons, and shields can be found in the northern part of the Hillmen's camp, north-east of Esteldín.

Arohir the Ranger has tasked you with destroying the food stores, weapons, and shields of the Hillmen, affecting their ability to effectively wage war.

2. Arohir awaits your return at Esteldín.

After entering the Hillman camp, you found and destroyed their weapons, armour, and food stores in an effort to slow their progress and ability to field a true army. Arohir will be pleased to hear this news.



Related Quests:



All of the items are found near here.
