Lord of the Rings Online Wiki

Level: 30

Difficulty: Solo

Location: Esteldin

Start: Faronwen

Bestowal Dialogue:
'I have little time to bandy words. The Orcs' invasion from the North has caught the Rangers of the North unprepared. Many of our kindred are abroad in other lands, preparing a defence against the Shadow in the East, and our eyes were not turned northwards.

'This army that has come down from Angmar is too great for our forces in the North Downs to defeat without support, yet we must still prepare for the fighting that is to come.

'My predecessor stored many weapons and supplies throughout eastern Nan Amlug and Rhunenlad, but I do not know exactly where. I need you to seek out these troves and bring them to me. The thing that I do know is that these troves were all hidden near rocks and trees. This will not be an easy search, without proper guidance, but in these dark times, every resource we can gather will be of great help to us.'

The unexpected invasion of the Orcs from the North have caught the Rangers of Esteldín unprepared, with many of their kindred abroad in other lands. This new threat has forced them to recall as many of their kind as they can and to arm themselves for war.

The Rangers' supply troves are hidden throughout eastern Nan Amlug and Rhunenlad.

In preparation for war, Faronwen is tasked with recovering the stores of weapons and supplies her predecessor hid. She has asked you to search Nan Amlug and Rhunenlad for these hidden stores. She only knows that these troves are hidden by rocks and trees.



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