Lord of the Rings Online Wiki

Level: 08

Difficulty: Solo

Location: Combe

Start: Ellie Cutleaf

Bestowal Dialogue:
'When Skunkwood took me to the Blackwold's encampment in the Chetwood, I met Jagger Jack. Jack is training the wolves for the Blackwolds. He keeps most o' them deep in the ruins in the north parts of the woods.

'If we're going to put a stop to the Blackwolds, then we may need to do a little mischief o' our own. I'm not wont to do this, mind you, but we need to stop them wolves before they're used against Combe.

'Leecher Cartwell can help us and will. Talk to him at his house, up on the cliff south of Combe centre. Tell him that I need a poison to kill the wolves.'

According to Ellie, someone named Jagger Jack trains the wolves deep within the Blackwold Hideout. She met him when she was brought there and felt very ill at ease in the area.

1. Leecher Cartwell's house overlooks Combe on the road south towards Bree.

Ellie Cutleaf has instructed you to acquire some poison from Cartwell, the local leech, to use against the Jagger Jack's wolves.

2. There are beehives behind the abandoned house south of Combe. Red berries grow in patches in the valley behind the house. Blackwort root grows near a wolf-den north-east of the Combe lumber camp.

Leecher Cartwell has agreed to make the poison Ellie requested, but needs your assitance gathering the ingredients.

3. Cartwell's house is on a low cliff in the south-west corner of Combe.

Your search for Cartwell's herbs and honey took you into danger, but your efforts were fruitful. You should return at once to Cartwell with the ingredients.

4. Ellie Cutleaf's home is in the north-west corner of Combe, on the banks of the pond.

After a short distilling process, Cartwell handed you a sweet-smelling phial. He assured you that the poison would kill the wolves threatening the Chetwood and the inhabitants of Combe, then sent you back to Ellie Cutleaf.



Related Quests:



The leecher is in the house here


Combe Beehives


Located on the back of a house




