Lord of the Rings Online Wiki



Bestowal Dialogue:
'Asphodel mentioned in her letter that there are bears wandering closer and closer to her farm. Maybe this is a clue that she needs some help with them.

'Would you make your way into the woods south of her farm and drive the bears away? This might show her that I am willing to see to her safety and show how caring I can be.

'When you're done, tell her!'

Eldo Swatmidge is a successful farmer, but he is lonely. He has sought your help to woo his neighbour, the Widow Froghorn.

1. There are bears south of the Widow Froghorn's farm.

Eldo wants to show Asphodel that he is willing to see to her protection. He has asked you to drive the bears away from her farm.

2. Asphodel Froghorn is at her farm.

You have killed the bears as requested, so you should now speak to the Widow Froghorn.

3. Eldo Swatmidge's farm is up the road north and east of the Widow Froghorn's farm.

Asphodel Froghorn was pleased to learn that Eldo is both thoughtful and caring, but she still asked you to tell Eldo Swatmidge that her answer was still no.


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