Lord of the Rings Online Wiki

Level: 37

Difficulty: Solo

Location: Evendim


Bestowal Dialogue:
Are you thinking of travelling to the far side of the lake, Stip? That is a long journey!

'If your travels take you to the far side of Nenuial, I ask that you bring my greetings to any Elves that stay at Eavespires -- I heard that some of that kindred have come to the glade, and I wish them to be welcome in Evendim.

'Cross to the mainland, and follow the shore of the lake in a great loop north and then west. You will cross the Even-rills at the northern tip of the lake; continue to follow the lake shore until you see a stream that feeds into Nenuial. Near that place you will find Eavespires. You will find Elves there, and even greater mysteries, if the stories are to be believed.'

Ferrod has asked you to bring his greetings to the Elves staying at Eavespires.

Eavespires is on the opposite side of Lake Nenuial from Tinnudir; you were told to cross the Even-rills at the northernmost tip of the lake and continue to follow the shore as it curves westward, until you arrive at a stream that feeds into the lake.

Ferrod has asked you to bring his greetings to the Elves currently staying at Eavespires.



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