Lord of the Rings Online Wiki

Level: 33

Difficulty: Group

Location: Esteldin

Start: Arastil

Bestowal Dialogue:
'One last obstacle remains before us, Stip: the drake-matron who laid the eggs you found. If she is permitted to live, she will only breed again and close the pass to us.

'Return to the western pass of Ram Dúath and seek out the drake-matron. Slay her if you can. Our plans depend on it.

'Be wary, though, and take friends, for the drake-matron will be enraged by the destruction of her brood.'

A drake-matron, the mother of the brood you destroyed, resides within the western valley of Ram Dúath. The pass will not be safe until she is slain.

1. The drake-matron resides within the western pass of Ram Dúath, north-west of Esteldín.

Arastil has set you one more task: slay the drake-matron of Ram Dúath. As long as she lives, she will only spawn a new brood. Arastil warns you to take allies, for the drake-matron is likely to be enraged by the loss of her brood.

2. Arastil awaits you at Esteldín.

Arastil will be pleased to know that you have slain the matron. Return to him at Esteldín with news of your victory.



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Take the left path into Angmar
